Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Sample of Business Writing / Recommendation Report for a Large Business

 As part of my degree, I felt it fundamental to take on business-oriented writing as well as creative writing. The following is a link to a final project that I completed as per my Business Writing course, which establishes a business proposal I personally find very important. While this project was truly meant to teach us the proper form, research, and etiquette of writing for a Recommendation Report in address to a business or corporation, I personally found it very rewarding to find a real-life solution to a real-life problem. 

I took on my own place of employment in this project, carefully observing what I noticed were recurring and potentially problematic issues on a greater scale within the corporation. As a "green business," is it not within our best interest to truly live these values, and implement them within business practice, rather than parade these notions in marketing schemes and social media content for an increase in business flow? 

Below you may find a theoretical solution to a unique issue in further detail.


My Internship with SugarMammaTV

Over the course of my second to last semester of college, I participated in a virtual internship with a Sydney-based company named SugarMammaTV, as well as their companion business titled SASS Financial. 

My experiences working directly with Canna Campbell and her social media manager, Kristina, was enlightening, enriching, and truly a lot of fun. Never before had I been given the chance to perform writing duties for such a public audience, nor had I been given the experience of expanding my skillset with digital programs meant to diversify one's outreach through social media. While I was more than familiar with the use of Instagram and Facebook to perform community outreach and connect with potential readers / viewers, the concept of the creation of social media stories and videos was completely beyond my scope of understanding. 

Through my internship, I gained valuable life experience in cultural diversity and awareness, while extending beyond my degree in English by learning Adobe Premiere and Canva editing software. These are the skills that shall set me and my work apart, and I cannot be more grateful for the endurance that I was able to realize I had in me, but also for the simple chance to demonstrate these skills in a professional working environment. COVID-19 has left many opportunities seemingly desolate, however, online there is an entire world awaiting us. It only needs us to firmly grasp it, to understand that we must go further, push ourselves and what we believe we can do. 

The following are the articles that I contributed to SugarMammaTV, although I have omitted a number of Instagram stories, community outreach commentary, and video editing that was also a fundamental aspect of my development as part of my internship. 




Letters by Jasmin Salas

Letters  Jasmin Salas I couldn’t sleep the night my mother passed away. My sisters and I laid in our shared bed, covering our entire bodies ...